
ラベル(岡崎 直幸)が付いた投稿を表示しています

√完了しました! 岡崎 直幸 139527-岡崎直幸 声優

岡崎直幸 所要時間 約 8 分で読めます。 Key より発売された恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム『 CLANNAD 』の登場人物。 本編の主人公である 岡崎朋也 の実父。 朋也を授かってすぐに妻を亡くし、以来男手ひとつで息子を育ててきた。 しかし、心労が重なった岡崎直幸とは、 keyNaoyuki Okazaki (岡崎 直幸) Naoyuki is Tomoya's father Tomoya's mother Atsuko Okazaki died when Tomoya was young, thus leaving only himself to raise Tomoya After the accident, Naoyuki turns to alcohol and smoking, and held frequent fights with his sonNaoyuki is Tomoya's father His wife, Atsuko Okazaki, died when Tomoya was young, thus leaving only himself to raise Tomoya After the accident, Naoyuki turned to alcohol and gambling, and had strict fights with his son One day while arguing with his son on trivial things, he slammed Tomoya against the wall, dislocating Tomoya's right shoulder Immediately after that, Tomoya went to Clannad After Story 第19話 こねたみっくす 岡崎直幸 声優